From the 19th to the 22nd of November 2015
will take place in Montpellier, France
AgroStudents for the Future (ASF)
The international meeting of students who want to act
The international meeting of students who want to act
"Acting for sustainable food systems in developing countries"
An international meeting BY and FOR students
ASF is a meeting, a place where you can exchange between agribusiness and agronomy students to give a meaning to your studies and your future job. The event will be composed of conferences and workshops BY and FOR you! Specialist will also come to give interesting speeches.
Because we are the stakeholders of change!
Students in agronomy and agribusiness may face significant issues. We will have to feed 9 billions of persons and also build sustainable food systems. We became aware of the limits of the actual situation, with many consequences on the environment, the climate and the resulting inequalities.
We are at a key stage in our life when we
build up our mind and perspectives. We already know that solutions exist. Sharing experiences we will find inspiration to know how we will act.
ASF won the initiative award of Graines d'Agro!
This contest reward innovative project related with Montpellier SupAgro every year. Montpellier Supagro is an agronomy engineering school with various cursus. Among them, one is specialized in developing countries. Supagro is linked to several research center like Inra , CIRAD...
To get more information see Supagro website.
Who are we?
The organizing team of ASF is composed by twenty or so students from different schools and Montpellier Supagro. Here are some of us:
ASF is also on Facebook come visit and like our page! For any question, you can also contact us with this mail adress:
The event will be in
english, but here some information in French if some french-speaking student
want anyway participate:
Tout d’abord veuillez noter que l’essentiel
des conférences, discussions et ateliers de l’évènement se feront en anglais. L’ensemble
des organisateurs sont français, et sûrement un certain nombre de participants,
donc la venue de participant ne parlant pas bien anglais reste néanmoins possible.
Concernant les modalités de l’évènement :
il aura lieu du 19 au 22 novembre, à Montpellier. Durant ces trois jours, des
étudiants des domaines de l’agriculture, agronomie et agroalimentaire venant de
tous les coins de la planète vont se rencontrer et débattre sur les enjeux de
systèmes alimentaires durables dans les pays en développement. Des spécialistes
donneront également des conférences.
Pour s’inscrire, les étudiants doivent
utiliser le formulaire dans l'onglet Inscription.
En cas de difficulté à le trouver s’ils ne parlent pas anglais, ils peuvent
directement nous contacter par mail (
Si leur participation est confirmée (nombre de place limité), les participants
devront s’acquitter des plus ou moins 20€ de frais de participation pour valider leur
inscription. Ces frais d’inscription comprennent la prise en charge des repas
durant l’évènement. Il sera également possible d’être mis en relation avec des
étudiants français vivant à Montpellier pour bénéficier d’un lieu où dormir
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