
Climate change is nowadays a reality. Lots of scientists tend to forsee what will be the consequences of it: in average temperature, in grennhouse gaz emissions, in extreme climatic events.. Despite of changing our environment it will also affect our main ressources. Agriculture and thus economy will deeply suffer from climatic changes.
 In this article, the scientists want to understand what changes on the world food supplies will be generated by climate changes. If there is still doubt on how climate changes scenarios are calculated, they are still usefull to try to imagine what consequences we are going to face.
Indeed, they have tried to link climate changes- north south relationship - agricultural practices and economic consequences. They have also used climate change scenarios and possible adaptation of the agricultural systems. It seems that between developping and developped countries, there is a large disparity. They are not all vulnerable in the same way. All the more the relationships and the economic links between north and south may also increase this disparities. Despite of adaptation and the different scenarios hunger problems may became more and more common.

This raises many questions: this debate is now more than ever at stake (COP21 But how these scenarios reflect the changes we are going to face? how adapt our food system when we are not sure of how bad north and south will be impacted? how decrease the inegalities in this system when climate changes will renforce hunger issues around the world?
The population is growing... the climate is changing... are inequalities and diversity of food system still exists.. how is it going to be tomorow ? What do you think ?

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